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Comparing the veil debate in France and Turkey

Human Rights Watch 1999 report on Uzbekistan
“In the cases of France and Turkey, a strict interpretation of the separation of religion and state led to the violation of individuals’ rights, and an unyielding commitment to secularism limited policy-makers’ views of acceptable options.”

Coverage of the debate in the press

France Envisions a Citizenry of Model Muslims
France has embarked on a strategy that will give Muslims what French leaders call “a place at the table,” but monitor their activities at the same time.
The New York Times, May 7, 2003

Sports hijabs help Muslim women to Olympic success
New sportswear designed for women who want to cover up, and some important changes to the rules, are inspiring Muslim girls to take up sport – and compete internationally.
The Guardian, July 23, 2012

2012 Olympic dreams allude [sic] Saudi women
Rima Maktabi discusses the symbolic move by Saudi Arabia to eventually send female athletes to the Olympics.
CNN, March 20, 2012, on YouTube

International perspectives on religious freedom

Annual Report on International Religious Freedom: France
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State, September 5, 2000

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